Sunday, December 7, 2008

I wish every doctor visit was like this...

Haven't gone out with Marcy yet, still working out the details....

I had to go to the doctor this past week and I had my husband's voice in my head the entire visit. Kiss a guy, go ahead and flirt with men, I kept hearing as I waited in cold examination room. I had on jeans and a white camisole which totally provides me with lots of cleavage. The view from the mirror on the door assured me that my nipples were surely popping through.

Now somehow I've been blessed to have pretty handsome medical practitioners all by accident of course. My dentist in the city looked like Aidan Quinn (hard to flirt when you mouth is full of dentistry tools!), a physical therapist that was so good looking I kept saying my back was never healed just so that I could keep getting massages from him and now I have this internist. It's not that he's drop dead handsome, but more of the naughty nurse fantasy kept popping up into my mind during my appointment that he just turned me on.

During the exam, he asked me to take off my camisole. I realized that it was part of the exam, but I took it a step further. As I reached up to pull off the camisole, I looked at him directly in the eye. Never breaking eye contact, I gently carassed my breasts as I placed the camisole on my lap. He was so close to me, all I wanted to do was kiss him. All of a sudden I was fantasizing that I was wearing one of those tight, short nurse outfits and that he was massaging my breasts as I lay there. I have no idea what the doctor was saying to me during that time because I was too busy thinking of what his dick looked like hard and how good it would feel to get fucked on the table.

I was wet. I could feel it in my underpants. My mind started thinking again that I should just kiss him and see what would happen. He told me I could get dressed. So there I was getting dressed in front of this man, who in my fantasy mind is still fucking me hard with his cock on the table. I started getting red in the face and he was trying to make small talk and I was fumbling with my clothes. I looked at him in the eyes and said "well next time I see you, hopefully it will be under better circumstances." He said, "oh no, you should get better in no time."

This is what I thought but didnt say: "Well what I actually meant doctor, is that maybe that next time it would be necessary for me to take off my pants for the exam and you can see how wet I am!" But I didn't say it.

I went home with racy, sexy thoughts in my head and a wet pussy. Mike still has no idea of what I was thinking that night as we had sex, but I'm sure he's all in favor of a nurse outfit hanging in my closet in the near future.

Here's to all of us who ever had a naughty nurse fantasy!


Matt said...

I'm curious as to which part was the bigger turn on; your own lustful visions of what it could be like with Dr. Hot Guy, or the thought of Mike going crazy over your experience?

bdenied said...

well my guess is Mike knows now what you were thinking. Im going to have to ask my wife if she has ever gotten turned on at the docs...I had a female Nurse Practioner do a physical for me and it is the only time I really enjoyed a prostrate exam.....being naked pants down and her shoving her hand up there was exciting...

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm hooked. I'm glad I clicked over... I can't wait read more.